Mediumship, Intuition & The 6th Sense

Mediumship, Intuition & the 6th Sense



Every person has a 6th sense and regularly uses his/her intuition, often without realizing it. Most of us do not realize that we could be much more conscious of our feelings and inner knowing. It could help us tremendously in our daily lives to know and feel much more. It can be a fantastic tool to think differently, feel more consciously and make better choices. 


The more we have started to think, the more we have lost touch with ourselves. (I speak from personal experience!).
It is time to revive or strengthen the gift of the 6th sense and the use of our intuition.

Great for ourselves and great for the people around us, because once this process becomes part of your life, you will discover that you will have a different impact on our environment. At home and at work, everywhere!


Discover your spiritual Self and raise your frequency.


           Purpose of the workshops are: To awaken, give insight in and experience the fact that we can see, feel and know more than we sometimes think.


Through exercises, meditations, visualizations, interaction, music, sharing experiences and asking questions, we train our 6th sense and strengthen our intuition. And who knows, maybe you have mediumistic talents that awaken or strengthen so that you may be able to do even more than you ever dreamed. 


It is not only great for yourself but you too can contribute to a better and more beautiful world by becoming a more powerful and loving person.


See you soon!


De Trompet 1790

1967 DB  Heemskerk


The Netherlands


Phone:  0031 (0)6 46208543

KVK      34374083  NL 43 RABO 0326 2323 97


Photo's Hans:                

Gerard Visser Fotografie



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